When practising Acupuncture
Anna Bennett Acupuncture aims at all times to provide high quality Health care services to her clients. Anna Bennett is a Member of the British Acupuncture Council and works within their Code of Safe Practice for Acupuncture. She is also insured through the British Acupuncture Council. As an Acupuncturist, she is a sole trader.
Anna Bennett is committed to working within a Quality Management Framework, and to a process of continuous improvement.
The scope and aims of her Quality Management Framework include, but are not limited to:
Anna Bennett’s Policy under this Framework is to:
Anna Bennett Acupuncture aims at all times to provide high quality Health care services to her clients. Anna Bennett is a Member of the British Acupuncture Council and works within their Code of Safe Practice for Acupuncture. She is also insured through the British Acupuncture Council. As an Acupuncturist, she is a sole trader.
Anna Bennett is committed to working within a Quality Management Framework, and to a process of continuous improvement.
The scope and aims of her Quality Management Framework include, but are not limited to:
- Developing and improving all aspects of Quality Management, and its effectiveness.
- The continuous enhancement of client services, value, and satisfaction.
Anna Bennett’s Policy under this Framework is to:
- Promote professional services in a truthful and responsible manner.
- Act with honesty and integrity and avoid any action or situations, which are inconsistent with the obligations of the Code of Safe Practice for Acupuncture.
- Undertake professional work for which the practice is able to provide professional and appropriate resources and carry out professional work conscientiously, with care and with proper regard to relevant technical and professional standards.
- Commit to maintaining good practice and providing services on time and within budget to her patients.
- Ensure that patient needs and expectations are understood in full. . This is initiated prior to or at the first session.
- Respond to the patient’s requests for information about the methods, techniques and ways in which the Acupuncture process will be conducted. Giving clear communication throughout the treatment about ongoing healing processes.
- Use all means of communication, including weekly assessments to ensure that patients health improvements, meets desired outcomes and is continuously improving.
- Monitor the quality of her work and seek feedback wherever possible from patients and other health practitioners.
- Maintain and enhance professional competence in areas relevant to professional work through annual CPD requirements.
- Act in accordance with the Equality Act and be informed of any statutory or legal requirements that may affect the work.
- Have current Professional Liability Insurance. A Certificate of Professional Insurance will be provided on request.
- Maintain appropriate, accurate records ensuring that reasonable security precautions are taken to protect against third party disclosure and an individual’s rights under any current legislation, e.g. Data Protection Act.
- Deal promptly with complaints concerning her professional work of the practice with courtesy and diligence.
- Immediately rectify any failures to meet quality objectives and undertake any necessary training.
- Regularly review internal processes and procedures to ensure that they comply with and assist in the development of the aims of this Policy.